Wohoo here comes another post. Not bad okay I've been quite consistent with my blog. :) If it were me LAST TIME, I'd be creating and deleting and re-creating blogs every now and then, all because I wasn't satisfied with my old one. Thank goodness I've matured and learned to accept that nothing is perfect.
I'm supposed to be doing a lot of other more important things now, but heck I choose to blog because my hands are itchy!! And besides I just had my cafe latte and cinnamon doughnuts again, so i'm feeling very cloud nine-ish. :D
Ooh, and guess what??
I had BAK KUT TEH last night for dinner!
Don't laugh okay, living in a residential college does not provide you home cooked dishes like these.
Haha, all thanks to Ching for cooking. Apparently, the only reason she cooked was because of me. Not sure if it's true lah... but I wanna believe it's true because in life, we must always believe in the good side of people!! Especially now that the world is revolving in such a rapid rate that people no longer believe in good things happening to them. It's not true ok!! Good things happen to good people. Period.
Oh shoot. Am I saying that I am a good person?? I sure hope so!!
Anywayss, thanks so much Ching! =)
Last Thursday was Music night @ IH.
And yet again I was overwhelmed by talented people surrounding me. Why is everyone here at Melbourne so talented?? They're either good at dancing, singing, playing the guitar, piano, etc.
It's like, you think someone's good, but you're bound to find someone better, and another someone even better! So it's true when the chinese saying goes: "Yi shan hai you yi shan gao." Translation: there's always one mountain which is higher than the other one. Well it basically means, no one's the best because there's always someone better than you.
I particularly enjoyed the solo by Aaron, "Forever Young", and Wiggy's band performance of "November Rain" by Guns and Roses.
I love music. I do.
Then again, who doesn't?
Last Friday, 19th October:
After classes, I met up with Jo and we headed to DFO, Spencer Street to meet Elaine! Sigh girls & our shopping. It's never ending. ;) As much as I enjoy shopping, I'm glad to say I have quite a high level of self-control. So far in Melbourne I've only shopped for about 4 times? Honestly. And this is due to the fact that my parents have brought me up well, instilling values of the importance of money.
So anyway I got myself a skinny jeans and a jacket. Come to think of it, these 2 pieces of clothings are useful both in the short run and the long run!! =P That's why I did not hesitate to purchase them. ;) Lol!
My shopping convention is that, I'm willing to pay a little more for clothes which I can wear it all the time. Say, jeans, mini skirt, and jackets. But for tops like spaghetties/tank tops, I will not buy them unless it's cheap.
Elaine bought soooo many things man, from clubbing outfits to hot pants to shoes to don't know what la. Jo got a few good buys too. :)
Oh did I mention that Elaine's older brother's gf from Indonesia joined us too.
After shopping, us girls went to Crown to meet Elaine's brother for dinner. We dined at this seafood place called Waterfront.
I had:
Salad with lobsters, avacado.
Jo had:
Some pan fried fish.
Elaine had:
Salmon something, hehe.
Elaine's brother bought us dinner. So nice of him. :)
Oh this is him with his gf:
Anita & Alan.
After a really late dinner, all of us headed to the casino. Hehe it was my first time in the casino! So I played the noob-est game of all, rulet. Not bad okay I won some money. :) Met up with PJ and Shen for a while.
Jo & I slept over at Elaine's beautiful house.
Here are some pics:
On Saturday, 20th October:
Drinking party at PJ's to celebrate Derrick's birthdayy!
I just realised that I did not have a picture with PJ, the host. Probably cause he was too busy making everyone feel comfortable. Lol. Thanks for the drinks, PJ. ;)
Derrick the birthday boy & I.
The amount of drinks PJ got.
(Tequila, vodka, wine, sakae, gin)
Chelsea, me & Sandy! :)
Sandy & I.
Jun Shen & I.
He claims that he designed that shirt on the wall!!
Yearite!! Hehe. Apparently it has magical effects in the dark.
(A friend back from high school)
Yuet yuet! :)
Allison & I =)
Ming was my cameraman for the night. Thank you ming!!
All in all, I had fun that night. There were mexicans, americans, french people. The western people bond through drinking. Lol. There's nothing wrong with drinking, really. But of course la, us Asians who can't drink must know our limits. ;)
p/s: special thanks to mich, yuet, sandy and ming for. hehe. you guys know what i mean! hehe.
Off to dinner now, bye!
Haha wei lynn! You don't say much about the after-party..! What happened?! haha joking. but it's true no pictures of us, we'll take one right before the badminton competition!
wow ur post is super-duper long
hey!!! u know frances?! she was from my highschool!!! haha..wat a small world..go check out my blog and leave me a comment!!! i know i have not been faithfully updating because my exams starts nex mon.. =( i promise i will update when i finish exams..n i cant wait to sprawl under the sun, run by the beach n visit Bondi!!! yes!! i cant wait for glorious summer =D
pj! hehe. after party? i can't remember anything about the after party... did you have fun playing badminton that day? we should play tennis one day! you teach =)
dr raymond: how did you tumble upon my blog?? lol. hello, by the way =)
shin: hey dear yeah when she told me she was from carey baptist grammar and i said i knew you! lol. small world. i'll leave a comment on ur blog :) i know i cant wait to tan too. hope you have tons of fun in bondi with your darl ;)
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