Monday, May 25, 2009


Consequences of choosing sleep over anything else? You miss out a whole lot of fun and excitement in what life has to offer.


Like how I missed yet another baddy session today. AND the awesome thai dinner they went to; and patrick taking a whole lot of pics and had to post it on the websitee. Hehee. Ehh why lah must snap snap all when I'm not there. My fault I guess cause they did ask me to go- but I already had dinner plans. And the fact that Pat was looking all around for me at the courts did make me feel better ;)

I know, I made it sound damn dramaaa right? Thing is, how can I enjoy doing something so much and want to do it so badly, yet I allow sleep take over things that I enjoy? How can I even aim or dream to get into the team now? Talk about discipline.

P.S. Weather's been so lovely these days and I spent it sleeeping. I should be out wearing my shorts & mini skirts! Hahah.. Or at least.. do something productive. Like maybe start looking those finance notes. (ugh)

PPS. Why is it that I understand so much better when friends explain to me finance, it's like I engage and I get it. But reading the damn lecture notes is a whole different story. Boo.

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