Sunday, January 30, 2011


Read this in The Star earlier. Call me naive but I was appalled by this news! Men, or boys rather, started buying sex at the age of 16?! Some even still do it when they are engaged!

I am not judging or anything, I am just surprised. That body and life’s ours and we can do anything we want with it, as long as both parties agree to it then there is no problem.

However I do have my stand and preference in that - I personally think sex should only be given to someone whom you really love. Call me conservative but that’s just the way I am I guess. And I am proud of it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life as powerpoint slides

Life, to me’s somewhat similar to preparing powerpoint slides - I will always find something somewhere to make changes to, to make it better. And the feeling of having completed something better sure feels good :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

if things aren't meant to be

This morning at the pantry, after making my usual morning coffee (I like it thick and strong btw), I closed the lid of both coffee powder and sugar cases. I first tried to close the coffee’s case, but it won’t work. It won’t even tighten. Seconds later I realised that I’ve been using the wrong lid (sugar’s) to close the coffee case.

It struck me momentarily that : In life, if things aren’t meant to be, no matter how hard you push for it to happen - it won’t.

Just like how if you don’t like your job and your employment relationship doesn’t work out, quit. Or if you feel like things are just not meant to be anymore between you and your guy/girl, break up.

Having said that, this does not mean you should not give it a try. Give it a go, give it your best; and if it doesn’t work out, alter the direction you’re heading and move on.. till you find something that works. Just like how the coffee case’s lid is meant for the coffee case and not the sugar’s. Nothing wrong about the wrong choices we make in life, for if things aren’t meant to be, they just aren’t.

Just one of those enlightening moments I had this morning.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To one of the nicest aunties I know

the kind-hearted, generous, whacky, accomodating person she is;

Best friends - Aunt Pat & Mummy
*love this picture!* taken last year Feb @ Port Dickson

A helluva company to have around, one that has a young heart & mind;

And one who knows how to enjoy life. (She loves her whisky)

May you rest in peace, Aunty Pat.