Friday, November 26, 2010

to Sri KDU-ians SPM batch of 2004/2005

Guess who I bumped into yesterday during my first ever yoga class?

OK, no points for guessing as you can obviously see who in the picture below. Hehe.

Why, ALOHA Mr.Selvam!
My BM teacher who was strict as hell and one of the only few teachers whom I thought did not like me. (Just because I answered most questions correctly?? Kinda like how Snape reacts to Hermione's ever-rising hand in class? Haha I kid!! I don't even put up my hands that often in class). However, it turned out that he had so much faith in me, and sang praises to me in my class that made me so shy.

Was good catching up with him, though in a very awkward environment. While he's so flexible stretching & working his yoga, I struggled to even lift my right and left leg backwards.

I think I will just stick to my good ol' Body Pump from now onwards. Yoga is just too hard. :( 


P.S. to my 4 & 5 Mozart classmates in year 2004/2005, Mr.Selvam misses you all and he does think of you all from time to time. 


Chen Chow said...

Welcome to the blogging world~!

You newly start blogging?

Great that you're penning down your thoughts~! Great sharings!

Lynnie said...

Hehe hello, chen chow! Nope not a new blogger, have been blogging since year 2007! Recently just switched back to using blogger again :) I have enjoyed writing since I was a little girl! Thank you for dropping by, means a lot!