Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today was a busy day! Day started at 6.30 a.m. again. I seriously don't know how I have been coping waking up at such an early hour, when I only got to bed close to 3 a.m the night before. Last week was the IH baddy (badminton) try outs for the upcoming Inter-collegiate games. I'm happy I got in the team :) Glad that I could at least represent my college in something! Training's on this week and next. I have been waking up at 6.30, where we'd play till 9 a.m., get back for breakfast, take a shower, then fall flat on my bed for a long sleep till lunchtime. I'm lucky if my classes are in the afternoon, if not I'd for class after breakkie then come back to take a nap in the afternoon. Games start next next week. Wish me luck!!! =]

Anyways, today was a busy day because.. after baddy, got back and slept till lunchtime. I overslept and missed an hour of law lecture. Went for the consequent hour one. Got back IH after that, did a little work. Then it was kitchen work time from 5-8.30, tutorial after, and hairspray practice after the tutorial. Busy much? Only today lah okay :p

Since I've made it a point to keep track of things I do in my life here in Melb in my blog... here goes what's happened during my weekend:

On Friday, had my first PBL test which consisted of 15% of final marks (omg!!). Results got out on Monday and I was disappointed. It's alright, as I know myself that I wasn't prepared for the test. I promise to score better in the two other tests. It was movie night with the ICSS troop, and we watched Step Up 2! I literally jumped out of my seat as the movie was too awesome to be even described in words. And Chase was soooo hot!!! =p I totally enjoy watching people dance. I would love to learn dancing one day, and hopefully be good in it! Really hope that someday will come.. :)

After the movie, I joined Yuet & Ming to attend this Fiesto Latino event at a Spanish Club. We were invited by PJ, and honestly, how could we say no? PJ's been such an amazing friend, patient and always wanting to learn about our Asian culture. The least we could do is to learn about his culture as well. I'm glad he invited me to that event as I enjoyed myself. Really, PJ. It was something different! Salsa and latin and all that jazz :) Oh oh! And he bought me shots!!! He intro-ed me to this new shot where you mix Bailey's & Midori. I loved it PJ! Thanks :)

Saturday night, I headed to the city for dinner with my A-levels college mates. Mainly 'cause Patrick came all the way from M'sia to visit. (visit his darling jing ting here) We ate at Kings of Kings and man I miss good chinese food sooooo much!!! E.g. hokkien mee, prawn mee, fried kuay teow.. I don't even wanna think about it. :( It was good catching up with u guys, Ernest, Pat and Jt!!! Elaine came along as well though she wasn't part of our PB1. Miss u elaine!!

Besides that, I went for my first training in Melb on Sunday. It was my first time training with a proper team, as that training was for the elite team who's going to try out for the AUG(australia uni games). I felt so priviledged to be coached by the coach from China! Even if it's only a one time training. We did running with star jumps and all that, skipping ropes (which I failed to my dismay), sit ups and shuttle drillings. Somehow it got related to how Jay used to tell me about his baddy trainings and how tired he got after each session. Now I really get it! The uni team is good. Too good. Jay, you confirm will get into the team, and even the national squad when you come! Thanks for supporting me in improving my game :)

However, I don't think I will be trying out for the uni team anymore. I need to train triple times harder in order to be in the same level as the current team and I don't think I'd wanna commit to play competitive. If I wanted, I should have done it back in high school. Lol. I'm just gonna stick to being a social player. :) A good one okayy nonetheless! Hehe. The training was an experience, and through this I could see how much fun a team has through all the training sessions, and competitions.

Sighs, alright BPA assignment is calling me now. Will udpate soon!

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