Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of certain emotions

Sometimes what you see on the surface,
is not what you think it is.

I have learned that sometimes it is best not to reveal everything- all of your emotions, thoughts, feelings, secrets.
And yet- all I want to do sometimes is to reveal all.


HenryG. said...

hey :) I read your post and I thought it was really interesting because I could relate to it! Sometimes we feel that we shouldn't share everything that we feel because it makes us vulnerable, and yet at the same time, sometimes we just don't care about feeling vulnerable because that's who you really are and that's what you want to tell the rest.

Wei Lynn said...

hey henry!
thank you :) yes you are right.. sometimes revealing a lot may do you more harm than good! sigh.
anyways, how have u been? haven't heard from you in ages! =)