Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I got tagged by Marcus, he always tags me lol. And I've never done any of them (so sorry, marcus!) Even when I promised him I would! So, I decided to complete his latest tag as a start. And yes, it's my first! :)

6 Things I'm Passionate About

- Eating (give me food anytime of the day and I will gladly accept)
- Learning new things everyday (I'm a very curious person and I tend to ask one too many questions)
- Singing (omg i really, really love singing!!! esp singing with mummy & friends who love the same songs as u do!)
- Having fun!! (doing anything at all- movies, mamak-ing, chilling)
- Badminton (haha I like cheering and shouting with my mom while watching games at home)
- Making people around me laugh and of course, making myself laugh too.

6 Things I Say Too Much

- Eh, I’m hungry la. Got anything for me to eat? *hehe*
- Omg this is so boring, I feel like sleeping already. (in some of the lectures)
- Aiyo, my tummy so huge already. I'm so fat!
- I must wake up early tomorrow for breakfast!! (this was for last sem, and it never happened hehe)
- Ooh I'm so happy for you!! (for friends who are happy in relationships)
- Oh my god!! Really??

6 Books I've Read Recently

- Morning, Noon and Night by Sidney Sheldon
- The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin S.Sharma
- Doomsday conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon
- Commercial Applications of Company Law by Pamela Hanrahan
- My OB textbook I guess?
... I can't think of anymore.

6 Songs I Listen to Again and Again

- Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparutus
- Closer by Joshua Radin
- Zhi shao hai you ni by... omg i forgot!!
- Boston by Augustana
- Free Loop by Daniel Powter
- Qi li xiang by Jay Chou

6 Things I Learnt Over the Past Year

- Always be grateful for what you have in life, no matter where you are and what you have.
- People treat you the way you treat them, be nice to them and they will too, in return.
- Prioritising what’s important in life, e.g. always ask myself where I am and where I'm heading. Also, spending time with close and loved ones should be priority.
- Never to believe exactly what people tell you unless it’s their own experience; always give the other the benefit of the doubt.
- Never to be too attached to material things (ah, screw my lost watch lah! What’s the point in stressing about it?? though I must admit that it wasn't easy letting it go. such a beautiful watch it was)
- Money is so, so, so important and sometimes we don't realize the importance of it. That's why it'd be good if we can earn our own money. And to save as much, if possible.

6 Peeps to Tag:

- Sammy
- Jac Kee
- Yuet
- Luke
- Lindy
- Chien Loong

*if any of the above still reads my blog :)


poh eng said...

Hi girl, I love what you wrote her..inspire me to do the same...keep it up dear

jac said...

Yes!! I read =) haha!

Luke Lim said...

Heh sorry the last time I was here I couldn't get into your blog =P

So yes I read. And I'll do the tag sometime soon. =P

And zhi shao hai you ni is by sandy lam!