Saturday, May 9, 2009

Decisions are always hard to make- especially when it comes to shopping

I was estatic when badminton session was cancelled today for I thought I could use this time to work on my marketing assignment, do some light shopping for friends' birthday presents, go to the gym, and still don't feel guilty about it, you know...


Sad to say but I did only the shopping part. I'm so bl**dy indecisive, I tell you. I annoy myself so much sometimes that I will scold myself over and over again to be firm- but still to no avail!! Still so indecisive! Like yesterday and today in SUPRE, my god, I spent hours there deciding whether I should get this colour or that colour because for every top they have so god damn many colours. I hate choices sometimes. And after deciding the colour, I will then think again if I should ACTUALLY get the damn top because I have something similar. And SOMETIMES, after buying the good, I will think OVER again if I really do like or need it, and if I don't, I go back to change.

I know I sound like I have to get it my way, but seriously, I'm going to put this indecisiveness to an end.

I don't wanna be 'penny wise pound foolish' !

Of all the shoe-leather costs (an economic term used to explain going around keep finding for the best deal but pardon me if I'm wrong), TIME costs, EFFORT costs, etc. Worth it?? NO!!

P.S. I hope I didn't scare anyone off about my indecisiveness. and I hope you won't freak out if I were to ask you to come shopping with me next time. :( But come to think of it, now that I actually unleash my weakness of being indecisive, at least the next time I do go shopping with any of you, I will not dare to be fickle-minded anymore, right??

ANYWAY, today I had the best yumcha (known as dim sum over here) for brunch! A very big thank you to ILSS for subsidizing it. The money we paid was SO WORTH IT. Hahah, went with Hil, Chings, G and Shash. They crack me up like mad! They counted the plates of dishes we had and the costs JUST to see how much "profit" we earned- in other words, how much we gained from paying that amount la. Btw, 5 of us whooped 40 plates. :)

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